
Monday 9 July 2012

What ever happened to good old business metrics... like making money?

I read an article aimed at business start up's recently, which talked more about measuring the success of a business by tracking it's web traffic than it did about monitoring revenue, cash and profit... It got me thinking about what is important for all businesses to measure. 

These days, there is no denying that driving web traffic, optimising your search engine ranking and generating a loyal online following are critical to business, but I don't know many shareholders or investors that would be willing to invest in this alone. Therefore it comes down to balance and to finding the right things to measure for your business and focussing on them relentlessly in order to drive forward.

While every business is different I believe that there are a few things that every business should monitor;


Unless you have a monopoly in your market, you have competitors... Your customers know this and they're quite happy to listen to the benefits of trading with your competition rather than with you. So, listen carefully to your customers and find ways of measuring their satisfaction levels and dealing with their requests for change. Engaging with customers can transform your business... they have feedback for you on everything from how you greet them, to how easy or difficult your products are to use. So, understanding what works for your customers is key. If you can adapt your service and products to the demands of the market, you're more likely to keep the competition at bay. Apart from talking to your customers about this, you may also want to measure their satisfaction... 

I've seen many methods of measuring customer satisfaction/ engagement over the years, 'Net Promoter' Scoring being one of the more common. Net Promoter is a simple measure of how likely your customers would be to recommend you to a colleague or friend. It is based on the premise that only customers that are happy and satisfied would be willing to actively recommend your service and there is evidence that businesses with high NP scores will also enjoy business expansion. Where organisations with low or negative NP Scores will contract. You can read more about Net Promoter here; 


Your people are your business... they represent you every day and are the face of your organisation. There is an undeniable link between how happy and effective your people are and the experience your customers receive too. Creating an environment where your employees enjoy their job and feel like you are investing in them as individuals will always mean that you get the best from your team. 

If you're a bigger business you may choose to survey your workforce and measure their levels of engagement, if you're smaller you may just want to speak to every employee face to face about what can be done to improve the different aspects of their relationship with you and your company.

Things to consider, include; working environment, relationships with co-workers and line manager, communication, reward and recognition (not just financial). There are other elements too, and it's likely that you'll have things that are unique to your company. Whatever these are, make sure you spend time to understand how your people feel about them and act on their feedback.


There are things in every business which need to run effectively in order for you to function. Commonly, it's things like; manufacturing of product or key service levels being met. These are hygiene factors and customers tend to take it for granted that these will be delivered on time, in budget and in agreed service levels.

Make sure you map your key processes and eliminate as many key person dependencies as you can. Is there a critical path of activity you should understand and have contingencies for?  Have plan b's for key deliverables, because your customers won’t forgive you too often for letting them down. 

And finally... The Numbers

Call me old fashioned, but I think this is a pretty important measure for business. Anyone who has managed a business, big or small, will tell you that keeping a close eye on the numbers is critical. Your revenues and profits are in essence the ultimate outcome of everything you do. They reflect; the quality of your product, how your customers value your service, how successful your marketing is, how well you are managing your capital and spend... everything! 

So, let me explode a myth... watching the numbers isn't  just about the revenue and profit. It will help you to monitor the health and wellbeing of your business, in the short and long term. I once heard it said that "Money isn't everything... but it ranks right up there with oxygen!".

When it comes to your business, money is just that, oxygen! It's also the output of your efforts... it won't appear without the diligence and focus on the inputs we've talked about in the areas of people, customer and operations. So 'measure' the inputs and 'enjoy' the outputs.

By all means, make sure your web listings are optimised, watch the YouTube and Facebook friends soar as you promote them to the world... but don't forget the good old, time honoured measures of business success; Engaged and happy people, enthusiastic and satisfied customer and efficient operations. Get these right and chances are, the numbers will follow.